Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving Thoughts

I had the privilege to listen to a great talk in Sacarament yesterday where we were challenged to make a list of 10 things we are grateful or thankful for at this Thanksgiving season.
So here goes, in no particular order:
1. My happy healthy children and the funny things they say and do.
2. Living in the United States. It may be having some problems, but it is still the best place to be!!! I am proud to be an American.
3. My friends. Old ones that know me best and new ones that I am excited to make new memories with.
4. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and that they never give up on me and alway love me.
5. My warm house.
6. The Wasatch Mountains. They are so so beautiful. When we lived in St. George, I missed the mountains so bad and I was so excited to get to move here right underneath them and see them everyday.
7. My very best friend and husband, Adam. He is so good to me.
8. The rest of my family. They all have a different special part in my heart.
9. My own health. I am glad that I can walk and run and do the things I want to.
Now, here is some photos of Thanksgiving past...........
Mick's 2nd Thankgiving at our house in St. George..............
Victoria's 1st Thanksgiving with Adam's extended Olsen family........
Thanksgiving two years ago with my family........................
Last year with Adam's family..............

Saturday, November 22, 2008


So, I am feeling so aggravated today. What is so hard about not banging your door into the car next to you? Really, is it that hard? I came out of Wal-mart today to find that someone had taken my green paint off my door and left their red paint behind. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!! This happens to me all the time. It sucks when you try to take care of your own things and someone else is so rude. I hope whoever did it had a perfectly miserable case of guilt over it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Lake Hardy Hike

Adam was lucky enough to get such awesome weather (and a super wife) this last weekend and he and his friend, Kevin, went on a hike up above Alpine. I guess it was steep and hard and slow going. They made about one mile per hour, but they say it was worth the view at the top. It was about 5 miles each way.
It was our dog, Bandit's first hike. He did great, but he was pretty tired when they got back and he slept all the next day.

Halloween Happenings

Halloween is so much more fun with kids. I never liked it much until I got little kids of my own, now it's so much more exciting.
As for our costumes this year; Mick was a Bloody Doctor (check out his humongous syringe), Tori was a Barbie Cheerleader, and Adam was a Redneck, pretty much himself ten years ago. I was boring and just wore my Halloween shirt, but at least I did that, right?
This year, I got to go help with Mick's class party. I read a Halloween book. The kids were divided into groups, so I read it over and over and over. I was pretty sick of the same story by the time I was done, and now days later, I still can't get the phrase, "Listen, here, you flim-flamming fleecer," out of my head. But I had so much fun doing it and got to meet some of Mick's friends that I didn't know.
Tori also had a party at her preschool. They decorated cookies and made slime. She thought it was fun, but I think tiring, because on the way home from school, she told me, "Mom, I am so stressed from all that partying at school."
Later, we went to our ward's trunk-or-treat and then Adam took the kids to a few houses trick-or-treating while I stayed home to hand out candy. And hand out more candy, and hand out more candy, and hand out more candy.
Then we had some of our friends over to play games and eat yummy snacks, while all our kids played upstairs and got high on sugar.
It was one of the best Halloweens I've had. I hope all of yours was awesome too!