Sunday, October 4, 2009


Our once always happy son has been going through some really hard struggles lately. It breaks our hearts to see him losing his self-esteem and becoming depressed more and more each day. I never would have dreamed that he would feel so bad about himself at such a young age. I wish that I could protect him from this, but I feel like the most I can do is just make sure he knows how important and special he is to us. I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for sending him to us and letting us have the privilege of being with him everyday. I am glad he is the way he is and I wouldn't change his personality in any way. I wish I could make him understand that he is awesome in his own way and that when he is an adult, none of what he is struggling with right now will matter anyway. He is so kind to me and his sister. He always makes us laugh. He made me laugh so hard yesterday that I almost peed my pants! I hope he knows that we need him for our family to be happy and complete.


Keri said...

What sweet pictures. I hope he can get the help he needs & feel better, too. What a tough thing for all of you. I never realized how much your kids look alike until looking at his toddler pictures. No problem on letting Randy help, either. :)

Lily said...

I'll keep him in my prayers.

Alex said...

that's the worst thing for a mother- to see your kids go through tough things.

Stephanie said...

I am so sad to hear Mick is having a hard time! We Think he is awesome, energetic, adventurous, kind, and a great friend! You are great Parents. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Cheryl said...

We hope that Mick gets feeling better soon. Annie always is saying how nice he is and how much she likes him as a friend. I'm sure this will pass. They all have their moments. I love his pictures!!