Friday, September 3, 2010

Adam's not quite invincible

Train before running a race.

It is now 2 weeks since the Hobble Creek half marathon and I still can't walk very well. From all indications it appears I have a stress fracture in my Tibia. Thats the large bone in your lower leg. The other is the fibia, you can remember that because "little" white lies are fibs like fibia.

Anyhow, it hurts like crazy at the weirdest times. I can walk around on it all day wearing my work boots without too much pain. But after 4 or 5 hours of laying in bed at night it hurts like crazy. It will bring me out of sleep and have me hobbling to the kitchen to get some drugs. I have become a huge fan of ibuprofen and aleve.

Apparently, I am not quite as invincible as I thought. This is a serious problem for me because I won't be able to do the Top of Utah marathon in a couple of weeks. I am not happy about this at all. I have been thinking about borrowing a wheelchair and seeing if they will let me enter it that way. I could ride the chair down the hill then get out and lean on it as I walked the rest of it.

Moral of this story: listen to your wife and brother who say you should train before running a race.

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