Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Calling

Our ward was split last week and Adam and I received new callings this week. I am now the Relief Society secretary. I am way excited. It will be loads of fun and I am hoping to meet some awesome women from it. Adam got called to be a Primary Worker. He wasn't jumping for joy over that, but he didn't complain either. He always has a pretty awesome attitude.
We will miss seeing some of our friends every Sunday that we lost in the split, but change is always good for us, right?

1 comment:

Freckles said...

Haha! That's awesome he is in primary! I would choose you calling over his any day though! ; )

Deanna passed me on Sunday and told me that she promises she's working on my calling! Hopefully that means a release soon!!! Probably not soon enough, she said that 3 months ago.