Thursday, August 28, 2008

Twenty Wishes

So, I am reading this book called Twenty Wishes by Debbie MaComber. It's a good book. These ladies in it decide to write out twenty wishes and try to accomplish them. It made me wonder what I wish for. I don't have quite twenty yet, but here is a start, in no particular order...........
1. Catch up on my scrapbooking
2. Stay caught up on said scrapbooking
3. Take a vacation and hike to the ancient Incan ruins in Peru
4. Teach Tori to read before she is 5
5. Volunteer somewhere someday for something important
6. Go to esthetician school
7. Learn about dog shows and dog agility shows and compete in them
8. Hike King's Peak
9. Run a marathon
10. Go through a whole day without chocolate (never gonna happen)
11. Be an awesome cake decorator
12. Get over my phobia of calling people on the phone, honestly, I would rather talk to someone face to face then call them.
13. Own shoes in every color to go with every outfit.
14. Plant a garden
15. Learn at least some basic Spanish
16. Take an Excel and Outlook computer class
17. Invest in more real estate
18. Take my family to Disneyland
19. Be a better mom, wife, sister, daughter, daughter-in-law, neighbor, and friend
20. Since I this is my last wish, I am wishing BIG. I want clean sheets put on my bed every single day by someone other than me.
I guess I really did have twenty wishes. That was almost too easy. I want want want.............

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Hey there, Tammy Bennett here. I love to see that you are a blogger. So are we. We are very far behind on blogging, but I will eventually catch up. Check us out at and also the running blogs on the side! Love all the pics