Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Future Basketball Star

Mick came home from school on about the 4th day and asked me to teach him how to play basketball. I was pretty surprised because Mick has not shown any interest in playing ball of any sort. Since my hand eye coordination didn't ever develop I haven't been much of an example for him. I played Jr Jazz for 4 years and made 2 points... Sad but true. But I could set a pretty good screen.

That is why I wrestled in high school and now I am a runner, it is pretty easy to keep my legs moving when I am not focusing on catching, throwing, or hitting a ball.

We had been thinking about getting a basketball stand for quite a while. (I grew up calling them basketball bankers. Everyone I asked about them in Utah County didn't have a clue what a banker was. I guess it is a Vernal word. Kind of like "ignernt", good luck finding it in the dictionary, but ask anyone from Vernal and they can tell you it means rude) But I digress...

I bought a basketball stand at Big 5 for $300 then on the way home I passed a vacant house that had the same one sitting in the front yard (no, I didn't steal it) but I did have the home owner's number due to my facination with vacant houses (http://www.peaceofmindhouses.com/) so I called him and asked if I could buy it. He said sure, for $50. I was pretty happy with the deal. Here are some pictures of our future basketball superstar and his poor old dad trying to act like a coach. The neighbor boy, Noah, was a natural. It was fun to watch him. He told us he played basketball with the big kids he was so good and his team was the Eagles. Noah is known for telling some big stories and I was guessing since the Eagles are a football team this was one of them.

Tori wanted to get in on the action too. She and I were a team and the two boys were a team. Here I am showing them how to set a screen. Noah was whining about me holding him or something but I wasn't really listening. Mick kept saying "Fowl" "Fowl" and I would tell him there weren't any chickens around. I don't know why he thought birds showed up every time I got near one the boys.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

oh my Adam you just kill me I have laughed and laughed about the fouls...